The Bachelor Life In 2018

The bachelor’s life in 2018 is, thankfully, not as hard as it’s always been. Only a few decades ago, people were living without internet, and they still somehow managed to get laid. Of course, they had to be rejected a great number of times before eventually landing some casual sex with a hot single lady in their area. Now, thanks to the internet, we bachelors have the online dating world to turn to in order to satisfy our physical needs as single men. Here is everything you need to know about the modern bachelor’s life in 2018.
The bachelor life is a hard life
Hey, we totally hear you. Bachelor’s have a tough time out there, especially when they’re resorting to nothing but the traditional dating techniques in order to get laid. With a bachelor’s life comes several distorted stares on the faces of the women they attempt to approach. In the worst cases, bachelors get a glass of red wine or champagne thrown onto their faces, and are left to waddle back to their booth with their tail between their legs. The bachelor life is a constant roller coaster ride. These days, the types of roller coasters bachelors ride in depends largely on their dating method. Bachelors who cling onto the ways of offline dating will find that their roller coaster has several more plummets than it does rises. However, the opposite applies to bachelors who openly accept the advent of internet dating.
Offline dating is on its way out
When looking at technology and human beings’ adoption of it, the one thing we tend to notice is that the more optimal, more efficient technologies get accepted and used by the masses, and the less calculated, slower, less reliable technologies are left behind and effectively abandoned. In this regard, we can view offline dating as a piece of technology, though one without any wires hooked up to it. When viewed as a technology, offline dating really does not show a lot f promise. It is based largely on guesswork, and though it has a high reward factor, the high risks that come with it seldom make the whole experience worth it. Especially considering that there are better dating technologies to be used as an alternative.
Dating websites for single men are a miracle
Since dating websites for single men came out to the public, the dating world as a whole was forever changed. Of course, the online dating medium had to go through a lot of trial and error during its beginning stages, but that has simply brought the medium to the point where it is now. As it stands, there are several illegitimate or fake online hookup forums out there, and that’s something that the internet is working on fixing. However, despite those bad sites, there are a number of functioning online dating websites that show off the truly miraculous method of connection that internet hookups can be. With dating websites, singles living nearby are hooked up with like-minded individuals looking for the same sort of experience. All of the guesswork is thrown out the window; several romantic attempts can be made to ensure the highest results; and all of it is done right from the comfort of the computer chair.
Flirting online is a subtle art
Online flirting is a relatively new form of communication. It still has a ways to go before it’s fully developed, but flirting online is already a subtle art in itself. We all know that there is a certain linguistic game that must be played in order to attract women, and we have played our own variation of that game several times while blabbering our introductory sentences to women we approach at bars. However, it’s interesting to see how the linguistic flirtation game is transferred online. If you’ve never flirted online before, you’ll see what you mean when you try it out, and you’ll quickly learn how to develop your own textual courting style.
Bachelors can hook up as often as they want
What many bachelors don’t realize is that they can actually be hooking up and having casual sex as often as they want. The unfortunate truth is that we single men have been working under a vastly ineffective model for quite some time now, and all the bad results we received is not a reflection of us; it’s a reflection of that model. Online dating is a new model, and it’s already showing vastly improved success rates. Give this new medium a try, and you’ll be absolutely blown away by how many one night stands you can set yourself up with.