MilfTastic Testimonials > Is it a great cheating site?
In our opinion is a pretty great site for getting laid. It’s in the top category of our top affairs sites ranking system, so that means we like a lot of things about it. The best thing about it is that it is easy to sign up, not to expensive for a monthly subscription, and there are a lot of MILFS everywhere that want to get laid. Check out our MilfTastic review to see how we rate this site. We know that men love to hook up with older women, so we were pretty excited to check out this options.
MilfTastic Review
Our team of 4 guys spent two months testing out MilfTastic, and came away with some pretty good numbers. On the whole they sent 90 emails, from which they received 32 replies. That’s not a bad ratio, but we’ve seen better on other top affair sites out there. The sign-up time is super quick, and you don’t have to put that many details into your description. All you gotta focus on is your profile picture and putting a casual description. We found that the layout of the site was easy to navigate, and right away on the landing page there was some enticing profile pics from some super hot MILFS. That really got us going, because you know there are going to be a lot of MILFS on the site if there are that many randomly sexy profile pics. The only problem we had is with the aesthetic of the site. It does not feel sexy or enticing or naughty at all. They need a new web site design, that would bring it up in our books.
The price per month we put as affordable, especially given how much action you can get from the site. We definitely recommend going for the paid subscription over the free subscription actually, because only after we paid for a subscription did we have free messages. On the free subscription the site gives you recommendations for hookups, and only allows you a few messages in the first two weeks, which we find to be quite annoying. Why does it matter how many MILFs you want to have sex with? Isn’t better to have more action on the site, to allow more freedom for the customers to get laid when they want with whoever they want? Sites often have a function like this to ensure there is no spam messaging, and we did not notice any major signs of scamming, which is another plus in our books.
We tried to set up 18 dates, and successfully went on 17, which might not seem a lot but when you get sex from over half of them then I think you’d agree it’s a success. The ladies were older and just looking to get laid from someone with no baggage or high stress. The chatting portion of our time on the site was pretty small – it took very little to get the ladies on MilfTastic to go out with us.
After a couple of days on MilfTastic you get the feeling for what the ladies are like. A lot of the women on the site are married, but are openly trying to get sex on the site. So many profile photos were of scantily clad MILFs looking as sexy as can be, trying to entice single men to their house while their husband is away on a business trip.
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Is Any Good
Overall the site got us laid quite a few times, and it did not seem like there were any scam profiles. A lot of people ask: is MilfTastic working for you? And our response to them is Yes, Yes, Yes. Lot’s of easy MILFS to meet on this site, which makes it possible to have an exciting and rewarding affair with